Site icon Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception

October 12, 2019

10/12/2019, 15:00

How old is too old and how young is too young?

“Age is a matter of perspective.”  “You’re only as old as you feel.”  And my favorite gem is from Charles Schultz and quite appropriate when traversing the mountains and hills of the Camino: “Just remember, when you’re over the hill, you begin to pick up speed.“  On this pilgrimage, I have met a number of wonderful people of many nationalities and ages; however, I would like to share brief stories of two individuals, both women, who I’ve met on the Camino:

To my regret, I have no photos of Noa or Mabel to share with you, but if and when I run into them again I will do so.

10/12/2019, 17:15

After a delightful 21km (12.5 mile) walk from Burgos to Hornillos Del Camino, showering, washing clothes and grabbing a bite to eat, we are now preparing for 18:00 Mass at the local parish.

Here are some pictures of Burgos: 

Santa Maria gate into the old town of Burgos.
Camino “family” mini-reunion: Kate (USA), Jane (UK), Fr. Tony, Jim, Charlotte (UK), Diana (UK)
Burgos Cathedral of Santa Maria
Our Lady of Sorrows
Our Lady of Burgos
Scourging at the Pillar.  Today is the Feast of  Our Lady of the Pillar, a national holiday in Spain. 

Jim Olshefski

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