The pilgrimage begins

September 23-24, 2019 

Ready to go!

Day 1, 09:00:

After a memorable weekend in Des Moines, IA, where Mary & I were invested into the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre, a Catholic lay organization that supports the continuing Christian presence in the Holy Land., we rushed back to Kansas City and I hurriedly attended to last minute packing details.  Mary and I then went to the Cathedral where I received the first “sello,” or stamp, on my pilgrim passport, the “credencial.”  The Cathedral’s seal on my credencial marked the official beginning of my pilgrimage.  Over the next 6 weeks, I will receive a sello at many of the villages, churches, and albergues that we will pass along “the Way of St. James.”  But, at this time, my credencial is blank as the picture above shows.

Fr. Tony arrived in St. Jean-Pied-de-Port a day early, on Monday, to avoid the effects of a scheduled nationwide strike of railway workers.  I was taken aback when I found a published schedule of strikes in various transportation industries, for the remainder of 2019, to protest government pension reforms and job cut-backs due to automation.  However unusual I found the situation, the French appear to be going about their day with a “business as usual” attitude.  

Day 2,  09:00:

On my flight from Paris to Biarritz, I prayed Morning Prayer from the Divine Office.  As I was reciting the Concluding Prayer, our plane broke through the overcast and brilliant sunshine filled the cabin, making the words of that prayer all the more poignant:

God our Father, hear our morning prayer and let the radiance of your love scatter the gloom of our hearts. The light of heaven’s love has restored us to life: free us from the desires that belong to darkness.

I am looking forward to our adventure as pilgrims!

Day 2, 21:00:

After 19 hours, and crossing 7 time zones, traveling by car, plane and shuttle bus (which has made for a very long day!), I have arrived in St. Jean-Pied-de-Port, a lovely French village in the foothills of the Pyrenees.   Fr. Tony and I met and toured the town together.   

Tony and Jim at the Gate of St. James

Here, we are at the Gate of St. James, the traditional pilgrim entrance to St. Jean-Pied-de-Port.

We ended the day with evening Mass.  Fr. Tony concelebrated at the 14th-century Church of Notre Dame du Bout du Pont (Our Lady at the End of the Bridge, which it literally is: Next to the River Nive). A perfect end to a very long day.

Tomorrow: We begin walking!

Jim Olshefski