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Pilgrimage of Deacon Jim Olshefski

A pilgrimage on El Camino de Santiago – (the “Way of St. James”)

Parishioners of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception and friends,

As some of you may be aware, I will soon depart on pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela, a city of northwest Spain.  In the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela are what is believed to be the remains of St. James the Greater, the apostle who with his brother, John, were called the Sons of Thunder.  St. James is my namesake on whose feast day, July 25, I was born and to whom I have a particular devotion.

 My travel companion and fellow pilgrim, peregrino in Spanish, is Fr. Tony Neusch, a priest who is the pastor of St. Anthony Parish in Hereford, Texas in the Amarillo diocese. 

Beginning on September 25, Fr. Tony and I will begin walking from St. Jean-Pied-de-Port, France, then hike over the Pyrenees’ and continue 500 miles through northern Spain until we reach Santiago de Compostela, approximately on November 6. 

 Over the course of about 40 days, during which we will be traversing the route known as the Camino Frances (the “French Road”), I plan to share with you my daily reflections and pictures.  Please join Fr. Tony and me as we follow the Way of St. James.

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